Hobart Floating Hotel
It is generally agreed that there is a substantial shortfall in quality hotel accommodation currently available in Hobart, and there will be considerable pressure from certain sections of the tourism industry to build large new hotels in the CBD, regardless of any longer term detrimental consequences and ongoing community opposition.
This need will be renewed after international travel is back to normal
The purpose of this preliminary proposal is to demonstrate other alternatives do exist, and indeed may create a far better result, both as a way of preserving the existing low-rise character of the central business district, but also creating truly unique accommodation that will be very sought after, and booked by visitors as their ‘first preference’.
The first alternative is to ‘recycle’ existing building stock, and insert new hotel rooms in the existing urban building fabric. There are a substantial number of opportunities to do this, one of them being this practice’s current project which is the insertion of a new 50 room hotel in the upper storeys of three existing buildings fronting Salamanca Place.
However there is another option as a very different way to create a large new hotel / conference centre, and one that will have potentially very positive outcomes across a wide range of agendas.
It will simply be unique.
Sketch Design

Planning permit approved
Doug and Wolf