Arthur Circus is an exercise in restraint, patience and a re-evaluation of architectural 'loudness'. Located in one of the most romanticised and cherished heritage precincts in the heart of Battery Point, the Circus is a relatively intact and uniform Georgian subdivision where properties are highly sought after and fiercely protected.
Although the new extension at the rear of the heritage cottage when viewed from the street is an unassuming gable form sitting amongst the various outbuildings and pitched roofs of the area, the internal space is a surprise of volume and daylight. The challenges of increasing floor area on an incredibly restricted site whilst maintaining clarity to the existing workers cottage has been achieved through a minimal timber lined living area which sits distinctly separate from the cottage. This separation and volume is created by a clever play in floor levels which maximise ceiling height and carefully considered windows and skylights which disguise the fact the new work is hemmed in by neighbouring buildings on three boundary walls. The reconfiguration of the house provides a generous new living area in what was previously a tight and poorly planned rear extension.
The Edith Emery Award for Alterations and Additions
Australian Institute of Architects (TAS)